Find a pair (figure) Find a pair of the same color and form of figures, and they disappear. Clear all fields.
Find a pair Choose the same form of figurines, and they will disappear. Clear all fields.
Find a pair Click on the box, try to find two identical pictures. If you can find - a couple will disappear. Your task - to clear all fields.
Find a pair Click on the box, try to find two identical pictures. If you can find - a couple will disappear. Your task - to clear all fields.
Find a pair Click on the box, try to find two identical pictures. If you can find - a couple will disappear. Your task - to clear all fields.
Find a pair (numbers) Click on the box, try to find two identical pictures. If you can find - a couple will disappear. Your task - to clear all fields.
Find Mother Drag the mouse from the children point to my mother. If угадал - see the heart.